While the winter months were dragging on, full of cold misery, drafty windows and a lack of daylight, spring seems to be the polar opposite. (Save for the cold misery which is still here. Y'know spring, you gave me like 70 degrees for a week, and then went back to cold rain. You're a tease. I take back all the nice things I said about you. Now, please come back... you're pretty!)

Wait, what?
Job hunt?
Didn't I just go through this?
And so begins. I have a folder on my computer called "Job Hunt 2010!" and soon another shall be joining its ranks, aptly named "Job Hunt 2011!" Unlike the previous job hunt, I have a better idea of what it is I want to do. However, much like last year's hunt, I still have no idea where I want to go.
I haven't updated my resume since last June. This is a process I truly abhor. For now, I shall just flee all responsibility and spend my weekend in sunny South Carolina. Adieu, Roanoke.
Llevale mis besos a Christopher!!